
Rebecca Dodson Photography

I would like to give a well deserved shout out to someone you will all be jealous of me for knowing.  One of my dearest and oldest friends, Rebecca, has graciously allowed me to use her photos in my Christmas cards (now I don't have to continue to illegally download photos).  Once you see her photos you will see why you should be jealous.  Interior designer by day, photographer by night-she is, and always has been, one of the most naturally talented people I know.  Sadly, she lives in the faraway land of Tampa, FL.  We are trying our hardest to get her back north, but it just isn't happening quickly enough!  Having said that, if you have any friends in the Tampa area that would like to have OUTSTANDING family, wedding, engagement, new baby photos taken, she definitely is the person!  Sometimes she does come closer to home to shoot weddings, nephews, or mini sessions, which you will want to be privy to.  So, you definitely need to a). like her on Facebook and b). follow HER blog.

Did I mention her family and my family have been FRIENDS FOREVER?!?!

I'm sure there is some way to put a link to her blog that's very enticing.  I, however, don't know how.  So go to http://www.rebeccadodsonphotography.com/ right now.  BE PREPARED TO OOGLE!

Christmas cards will be posted soon!


  1. you are just too sweet Maggie!!! Can't wait to see the cards!

  2. awesome! two great talents working together!
